Tyranny...the home versionAfter the Second World War Hitler's Minister for Armaments, Albert Speer, delivered a long speech at his trial in which he described the Nazi tyranny and analyzed its methods. His analysis of these methods is truly chilling in light of what we are witnessing today in the current US administration's descent into tyranny. Speer stated the following:
"Hitler's dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and the loud-speaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man. . . . Earlier dictators needed highly qualified assistants even at the lowest level -- men who could think and act independently. The totalitarian system in the period of modern technical development can dispense with such men; thanks to modern methods of communication, it is possible to mechanize the lower leadership. As a result of this there has arisen the new type of the uncritical recipient of orders." - Albert SpeerThis "uncritical recipient of orders" and the "lower leadership" Speer describes should ring a warning bell. Very possibly because we can draw comparisons to the current administration.
Let's examine the "uncritical recipient of orders", or what we might translates as today's complicit state media and it's relationship to the "lower leadership" for a moment. There are definite marching orders for both the uncritical recipients and the lower leadership.
The White House news corp and professional obfuscation artist, Robert Gibbs along with Rahm Immanuel, his henchmen and Obama's czars dispense talking points and further advise their complicit state media, the "uncritical recipient of orders" on what propaganda to feed to the populace. Simultaneously these "lower leadership" organs (yes, I called Gibbs, Immanuel AND Obama's czars organs!) send out marching orders to the iron fist division of the "lower leadership."
Evidence identifies the thug enforcer units as members of Acorn, SEIU, AFL-CIO and a number of other bullying unions and quasi-community organizations. Are these the ground troops, called into action to intimidate and worse, attempt to bait peaceful citizens into confrontations? We must believe the evidence of our eyes.
Yes, among the ranks of corrupted unions and radical community organizers it appears the "brown shirts" or storm troopers for the 21st century in the US are emerging...and a very sad statement of fact is that we are funding them!
Videos are popping up on the Internet revealing these thugs at work in town hall meetings and any other venue where regular US citizens gather to protest. These thugs seek to deny their fellow citizens the right to gather in peaceful dissent, a right guaranteed by the US Constitution. That would be our most cherished document the current president is ripping into shreds. The same president who is now sending his brown shirts out to terrorize citizens into abandoning their right to passionate dissent. The man who would be dictator. Hitler would be SO proud!
But back to Speer's comments on the value of modern methods of communication. In a nutshell he was describing the method used to facilitate the swift conversion from critical reasoning to a suspended state of emotional imbecility. Historians expound on how Hitler entranced his audience by bombarding them with a constant barrage of what they wanted to hear. Sound familiar? Possessing great charisma, Hitler might have been considered almost god-like in his ability to sell his vision to the masses. Before their blinders where finally lifted he was, in many German citizen's eyes, a "man for the ages". Certainly he was considered one of the great communicators of his age. As slick as he was, Adolph would most assuredly sorrow over the fact that he didn't think up the recent campaign slogan, "We are the ones we've been waiting for!" But he'd probably recognize what Obama has revealed, that the slogan should actually read:
I am the one you've been waiting for!"
Just what sort of "one", we are now finding out...and it's terrifying.
But there is a silver lining to the use of modern methods of communication to sway public belief and that is the sword can cut both ways. While the "uncritical recipient of orders" state media may spew it's lies and propaganda, we have the Internet. While we might also count the Fox News Network as another life raft in this storm, we must count as a more important blessing the World Wide Web. It is almost impossible for thugs to hide their dirty work, or politicians to hide from their constituencies thanks to the Internet. While a number of those constituencies may not be computer savvy, the vast majority are. Today granddad owns a computer and knows how to do research and find like minded individuals! And granddad and his friends are connecting through the Internet with younger conservative counterparts who share the same goal and new passion...taking back our country.
Very simply, in order save our country from it's descent into tyranny, the flow of accurate information and free congress between all citizens must never be impeded. Big media has become that "uncritical recipient of orders" Speer described. They are no longer to be trusted. It is our task to learn the truth, the real truth. As John promised, the truth shall set us free.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson