Monday, December 21, 2009


…and our nation's collective soul will rise to a higher standard

Let us establish a premise. The citizens of these United States are unlike any other people in the world in their patriotism. While this statement may seem arrogant to those all too ready to fault this great nation and its people, it is nevertheless, true.

As a nation established and melded into a great and beautiful country from many blending as one, we are strong in our collective histories. I’m not referring to destructive “ethnic diversity”, promoted by those who would see our great nation divided into little pocket countries. Rather, I cherish the contributions to the whole created by our many and varied ethnicities and archetypes. Our nation in union will always be, as our forefathers rightly knew, stronger than its individual parts.

From the earliest days our military, from farmer soldier to professional warrior, has enjoyed the staunch support and undying gratitude from its countrymen. It is only in the past 50 years that a malignancy has been found growing in this otherwise enduring support and gratitude. It resembles a cancer, fed by those who would welcome the destruction of all we've cherished since the birth of this nation. It is all too evident that this cancer is spreading through many organs of our nation’s body, but one of the most pernicious assaults is being fought in a most critical organ, our military.

We might point to the Vietnam war era as the origin of blatant condemnation of our modern US military, although some might argue it began in the Korean War era. We accept the fact that through the ages militaries, regardless of country, have met with unpopularity depending on the cause or campaign. For instance, I’m pretty certain my North Carolina ancestors had very little nice to say about the Union Army! But excluding that anomaly in our history, it’s probably safe to say that for our current generations, the war in Vietnam is seen as the action most associated with war protesters and their hateful rhetoric.
While most hoped the shameful and dishonorable treatment of our fighting forces ended with that sad era, it appears that hope was in vain. Therefore it is of paramount importance that our patriotic voices come to the fore, now more than ever.

While our warfare has evolved...technologies perhaps more than strategies...our soldiers are pretty much the same tough minded, brave individuals they were in colonial days. Let’s face it, as a country we are very young, but as a people we have centuries of elite warriors from many countries as our heritage!

This heritage is a blessing of the finest kind. Because of it we have the greatest warriors in the world, well trained, disciplined and fair. While every force has its wash-outs, its square pegs or outright bad actors, the vast body of our military is beyond reproach. As a nation we ask them to perform an extremely difficult balancing act, performing their duties as soldiers, while maintaining their humanity.

Beyond the average in our armed forces we find the elite, our Special Forces. These warriors are considered elite because they have been found to be exemplary in every respect as human beings. They are courageous for us when we cannot be and they are efficient beyond our abilities. They are asked to do the impossible and to do it without fanfare or expectation of public recognition. They go to dangerous places, fight men and forces evil beyond our comprehension in order that we may never be required to meet that evil.

These elite warriors are brutally good, faithful in their training and maintaining to remain so. They are ready to go "wheels up" when called upon day or night, fair weather or foul, bound to meet their duty wherever they are called. Super human is a goal they strive for, superb human is the goal they meet everyday.

When considering the debt of gratitude owed to our elite Special Forces, it is all the more difficult for me to understand how our military executive and federal government can make the profound mistake in believing lies from enemies over the word of our special forces warriors.

The current case of three Navy Seals is an excellent example of the upside down logic we're expected to embrace.

Special Warfare Operators, Petty Officers 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe and SO1 Petty Officer Julio Huertas captured Ahmed Hashim Abed, a known terrorist and suspected mastermind behind the brutal murder and desecration of the bodies of four Blackwater contractors for our US military in Iraq
. These honorable Navy Seals chose to face court martial rather than allow the Seal brotherhood and their own reputations be sullied. In some misguided attempt to appease a hateful enemy our good soldiers were asked to accept a lesser reprimand by admitting guilt for actions they claim they did not commit. Perhaps lesser men would shrug it off, appease their superiors and "play the game", accepting the lesser reprimand. But elite warriors don't "play games".

The Navy Seal creed demands a finer brand of integrity than the average person might understand. As the excerpt from that creed above states, "My word is my bond." Now, I'm just one of those average people, but that promise is good enough for me.

The cancer I spoke of earlier seems to be developing into a particularly virulent form in our military these days. That form being a ridiculous desire to avoid offending a murderous enemy...politically correct disease in lethal doses. If implementation of protocol based on political correctness does not immediately cease, our military will crumble and our nation will not survive.

While there’s no mistaking the stench of political correctness wafting from our federal executive power down to the upper echelons of the military, those of us who cherish our military men and women in the field simply must continue making our support known. To this end, PLEASE visit and join the following Facebook support group, Support the Navy Seals Who Captured Ahmed Hashim Abed:

And when you’ve joined, invite all your friends and associates to do the same!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Waiting for Some of "That Obama Money"?

Reporter Ken Rogulski (WJR) interviewing people waiting in line for their handouts outside Cobo Hall, Detroit, October 7th:

ROGULSKI: Why are you here?

WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
WOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us, to help us.
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!
WOMEN: (chanting) Obama! Obama! Obama! (laughing)

Lest we still refuse to believe that a totalitarian state could evolve in this country, the above is terrifying evidence that one of the main tasks Aldous Huxley postulated was required to develop willing slaves of the populace is coming to fruition. Our educational system has succeeded in "dumbing down" it's citizenry to the extent that even the most rudimentary understanding of US government, especially the collection and distribution of public funds is completely absent. But this isn't at all surprising given that precious time our children are supposed to be spending getting a useful and proper education is spent instead indoctrinating and destroying whatever natural born critical thinking they may possess!

Mr. Huxley envisioned this trend a half a century ago when he wrote of how old, iron-fisted totalitarian methods of gaining control would be replaced with more refined methods:

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited.

Exhibit A: The interview outside Cobo Hall above.

Exhibit B: The disturbing videos of our public school children learning songs and chants extolling the virtue, indeed almost worshipping Barack Obama.

While these children are forbidden to pray in our schools, they may sing an homage to the supreme leader to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Jesus Loves The Little Children!

Any person having even a light knowledge of history as it pertains to Nazi Germany, Mao in China or more recently any one of several dictators in South America would find these videos chilling. Those viewing who have children attending schools where drilling in worshipful chants and other indoctrination is done would be within their rights to remove them from these institutions. They should then demand a thorough house cleaning of propagandists, left OR right in political philosophy and the installation of quality instructors with no sociological or political agenda.

Is it a fact that every sleeping giant will finally awaken? Even the fat and happy ones, slumbering in complacent bliss secure in the false belief that the country they always knew will be the one they know tomorrow?

Let us hope our US giant will not only awaken but spring up quickly into action in order to snatch our freedom back from the fascists currently populating our federal government.

Are freedom loving Americans finally rousing themselves enough to take notice? Will we act to avert the disaster awaiting us on the very near horizon? Will we raise our heads from the millstones...those who still have millstones from which to raise one's head in this devastated time to prevent our hard earned wealth and freedom from being torn from us completely and forever?

And if we value our hard earned wealth as a mark of our freedom are we then supposed to feel selfish in our desire to see it put to our own use? Should the fruits of our labor be forcibly collected and distributed to those who did not earn them?

We are not discussing charity. The people of the United States are the most charitable people on the planet. And even charity given is not always charity deserved or worse, even appreciated. Yet good people give that others in need may benefit and ultimately pull themselves out of need to give charity to yet others. But charity forced is not charity, especially when forced by a corrupt government. Even if the forces behind the government distribution of charity are altruistic in their aim, distributing other people's money makes them reckless. What may have started out as good intention rarely ends that way where central governance is concerned. Rather, "charity" from the government with few exceptions becomes waste of the worst kind benefiting the recipient little and robbing the true provider (the taxpayer) of his money AND the choice of where it's spent!

Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too.
Aldous Huxley

Friday, August 14, 2009

Slaves and Masters

...willing slaves or masters of our own fate?

"It stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there's someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." --novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

If ever there was an advocate, indeed a champion of rugged individualism it was Ayn Rand. In fact, she believed the enlightened self-interested individual is the one person worthy of true love and loyalty. This was amply illustrated in her writings, especially in her magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged.

Rand believed the individual is more important than the collective.

In Christian religious teachings the directive is to love God and as those teachings also tell us we were created in the image of God, by default we must love ourselves, God's creation. This type of "self love" is what is popularly known as enlightened self interest. It is man's nature to preserve his existence, loving himself enough to endure great hardship in order to preserve that existence. A natural outgrowth of loving himself enough to live, is loving what is also part of his life, his family, his friends and to a degree, his greater community of man. It is a love that can only be given freely, springing from the spiritual soul.

The enlightened self-interested individual will toil or even die for those valued and loved. This individual, as whole a human as can be in this imperfect world, is motivated by enlightened self interest to produce commodity or service to benefit himself and those he values. The happy side effect is an overflow of produced commodity or service which can then be bartered or sold to other individuals. This commodity may be intellectual property, manufacture, research, any number of services or even artistic creation.

The provision of such, traded in kind or for tender, provide the necessary comforts for existence on this earth for himself and his loved ones.

Free and lawful commerce between individuals, exempt from unreasonable restraint or central government interference, is the linchpin of a free and peaceful civilization.

Referring to Rand's quote above, "The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master."

Our federal government demands we sacrifice our product to it's whim while voicing no protest. We are expected to watch this product squandered with impunity and still voice no protest. Will we consent to be slaves? Will we bow to a tyrannical master?

"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."-Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An Ounce of Huxley...

Brave new World Revisted, Aldous Huxley, 1958:

"In their propaganda today's dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationaliza­tion -- the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationaliza­tion of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State. As the art and science of manip­ulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these tech­niques with the non-stop distractions which, in the West, are now threatening to drown in a sea of irrele­vance the rational propaganda essential to the mainten­ance of individual liberty and the survival of demo­cratic institutions."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tried and True...Baffle 'em with Bull Excrement

Tyranny...the home version

After the Second World War Hitler's Min­ister for Armaments, Albert Speer, delivered a long speech at his trial in which he described the Nazi tyranny and analyzed its methods. His analysis of these methods is truly chilling in light of what we are witnessing today in the current US administration's descent into tyranny. Speer stated the following:

"Hitler's dictatorship differed in one funda­mental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of mod­ern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and the loud-speaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possi­ble to subject them to the will of one man. . . . Earlier dictators needed highly qualified assistants even at the lowest level -- men who could think and act inde­pendently. The totalitarian system in the period of modern technical development can dispense with such men; thanks to modern methods of communication, it is possible to mechanize the lower leadership. As a result of this there has arisen the new type of the uncritical recipient of orders." - Albert Speer

This "uncritical recipient of orders" and the "lower leadership" Speer describes should ring a warning bell. Very possibly because we can draw comparisons to the current administration.

Let's examine the "uncritical recipient of orders", or what we might translates as today's complicit state media and it's relationship to the "lower leadership" for a moment. There are definite marching orders for both the uncritical recipients and the lower leadership.

The White House news corp and professional obfuscation artist, Robert Gibbs along with Rahm Immanuel, his henchmen and Obama's czars dispense talking points and further advise their complicit state media, the "uncritical recipient of orders" on what propaganda to feed to the populace. Simultaneously these "lower leadership" organs (yes, I called Gibbs, Immanuel AND Obama's czars organs!) send out marching orders to the iron fist division of the "lower leadership."

Evidence identifies the thug enforcer units as members of Acorn, SEIU, AFL-CIO and a number of other bullying unions and quasi-community organizations. Are these the ground troops, called into action to intimidate and worse, attempt to bait peaceful citizens into confrontations? We must believe the evidence of our eyes.

Yes, among the ranks of corrupted unions and radical community organizers it appears the "brown shirts" or storm troopers for the 21st century in the US are emerging...and a very sad statement of fact is that we are funding them!

Videos are popping up on the Internet revealing these thugs at work in town hall meetings and any other venue where regular US citizens gather to protest. These thugs seek to deny their fellow citizens the right to gather in peaceful dissent, a right guaranteed by the US Constitution. That would be our most cherished document the current president is ripping into shreds. The same president who is now sending his brown shirts out to terrorize citizens into abandoning their right to passionate dissent. The man who would be dictator. Hitler would be SO proud!

But back to Speer's comments on the value of modern methods of communication. In a nutshell he was describing the method used to facilitate the swift conversion from critical reasoning to a suspended state of emotional imbecility. Historians expound on how Hitler entranced his audience by bombarding them with a constant barrage of what they wanted to hear. Sound familiar? Possessing great charisma, Hitler might have been considered almost god-like in his ability to sell his vision to the masses. Before their blinders where finally lifted he was, in many German citizen's eyes, a "man for the ages". Certainly he was considered one of the great communicators of his age. As slick as he was, Adolph would most assuredly sorrow over the fact that he didn't think up the recent campaign slogan, "We are the ones we've been waiting for!" But he'd probably recognize what Obama has revealed, that the slogan should actually read:

I am the one you've been waiting for!"

Just what sort of "one", we are now finding out...and it's terrifying.

But there is a silver lining to the use of modern methods of communication to sway public belief and that is the sword can cut both ways. While the "uncritical recipient of orders" state media may spew it's lies and propaganda, we have the Internet. While we might also count the Fox News Network as another life raft in this storm, we must count as a more important blessing the World Wide Web. It is almost impossible for thugs to hide their dirty work, or politicians to hide from their constituencies thanks to the Internet. While a number of those constituencies may not be computer savvy, the vast majority are. Today granddad owns a computer and knows how to do research and find like minded individuals! And granddad and his friends are connecting through the Internet with younger conservative counterparts who share the same goal and new passion...taking back our country.

Very simply, in order save our country from it's descent into tyranny, the flow of accurate information and free congress between all citizens must never be impeded. Big media has become that "uncritical recipient of orders" Speer described. They are no longer to be trusted. It is our task to learn the truth, the real truth. As John promised, the truth shall set us free.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Evolving into a Totalitarian State?

Not even 100 A.F. (After Ford) and we're almost there!

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) in the forward to his exceptional cautionary tale, Brave New World , wrote:

"It is probable that all the world's governments will be more or less completely totalitarian even before the harnessing of atomic energy; that they will be totalitarian during and after the harnessing seems almost certain. Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism. At present there is no sign that such a movement will take place."

Mr. Huxley, considered in his time by many as a cultural provocateur was also equally recognized as a brilliant intellect. The preceding quote also proves he was a talented visionary as well. This forward to his pivotal novel, written in 1931 (published in 1932) also proves that even 78 years ago Mr. Huxley's crystal ball clearly predicted what we, the citizens of the US, are facing now.

When we speak of totalitarianism, we may immediately bring to mind the old Soviet Union or perhaps any of a number of banana republic tin horn dictators. We might even recall the horrific reigns of terror by "presidents for life" Haitian Dr. François Duvalier, AKA "Papa Doc" or perhaps Idi Amin who during the period of 1977–1979 was president when Uganda was appointed to the United Nations Commission On Human Rights, ludicrous as that was given the many thousands murdered as a direct result of his bloody regime.

So it would seem unthinkable that in our "civilized" world...a supposedly enlightened world...we might still suffer the existence of totalitarian regimes. Even more, discovering ourselves headed in that disturbing direction ourselves!

But Mr. Huxley addressed this as well:

"There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianisms should resemble the old. Government by clubs and firing squads, by artificial famine, mass imprisonment and mass deportation, is not merely inhumane (nobody cares much about that nowadays); it is demonstrably inefficient and in an age of advanced technology, inefficiency is the sin against the Holy Ghost. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers."

Ah yes, the "ministries of propaganda" EXACTLY as Mr. Huxley identified ...newspaper editors and school teachers. The picture begins to clear.

The successful modern totalitarian state government first seeks to dumb down it's populace while simultaneously indoctrinating with suitable propaganda. It then provides a steady lifetime diet of more propaganda while being sure to include distraction with "junk food" entertainment and activities. Figuratively speaking, Mr. Huxley's "soma", the "holiday away from reality" provided by the pharmacological hallucinogenic used to control the citizens in the Brave New World.

But wait! Why NOT mandate a state provided drug program to ensure an easy to rule serfdom? While a state mandated "sedation" program to keep it's citizenry in line isn't officially being promoted in the current radical administration (yet!) we might be forgiven for indulging in a bit of paranoid suspicion. Drugging by television, video, sports and other minding numbing distractions can only sedate so far! Doesn't the Obama administration's much celebrated health care program include an end of life "final solution"? "Take those pain pills, drift away and die like a good comrade of the state! Not to worry, the state has mandated lifetime sedation for your mourning family members!

Like Huxley's Savage in Brave New World, even the strongest of us may someday find ourselves waking from a state mandated drug-induced "holiday" crying "Oh my God, my God!" realizing too late that our government has killed God and replaced it with the State.

Fantasy? Don't be too sure. Imagine how the current leftist fiends could galvanize their power if they could legislate mandatory sedation to keep us pesky serfs in line?

Mr. Huxley writes further:

"The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an "iron curtain" between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent silence is not enough."

Just this week (August 7, 2009) Mr. Obama, speaking to a "town hall crowd" arrogantly sent a message to the citizens of our great country that he doesn't want to hear what we have to say! Those people whose forefathers toiled to build this country who support his lavish lifestyle and stroke his narcissist ego! Indeed, he hopes and prays the hard working people who steadfastly go about their business of producing the tax monies he intends to steal and redistribute will be intimidated into silence. Thus lowering the "iron curtain between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable" as Mr. Churchill stated.

Further, Mr. Huxley continues:

"The love of servitude cannot be established except as the result of a deep, personal revolution in human minds and bodies. To bring about that revolution we require, among others, the following discoveries and inventions. First, a greatly improved technique of suggestion--through infant conditioning and, later, with the aid of drugs, such as scopolamine."

Keep in mind Mr. Huxley wrote this in the early thirties and we have many more available drugs to provide the aid to control he suggests. Then what of "infant conditioning?" Just how early in childhood will an overbearing state require our to children be enrolled in and be subject to mandatory attendance at government training centers...or public schools as we once knew them? Will we one day deposit month's old babies in government facilities, returning many years later to reclaim a souless stranger? But more importantly, when will we choose to STOP offering up our infants to the state's brain washing?

"Second, a fully developed science of human differences, enabling government managers to assign any given individual to his or her proper place in the social and economic hierarchy. (Round pegs in square holes tend to infect others with their discontents.) "

Celebrate diversity! African Americans, Spanish Americans, Native Americans, etc., etc., unite and segregate! Poor people, envy the middle class. Middle class, envy the rich. But get in your place and STAY there!

Didn't civil rights leaders of the past toil and even die to end segregation? The late Dr. Martin Luther King shared his dream, that of seeing his children being "judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin." By any measure of reason, the current philosophy embraced by the left... pigeon-holing people into "diverse" sub-groups be they ethnic, socio-economic, gender,age or any number of other sub-groups...must be considered as divisive rather than uniting us all as Americans. This philosophy of division and segregation does NO honor to Dr. King's vision.

But what about the value of a diversity campaign...making sure we all know our "assigned place" this would be totalitarian state America? Why, it's value is to keep us estranged from each other!

By promoting estrangement through diversity the state aims to exploit misunderstanding and distrust between cultures and thereby keep us divided rather than celebrating our commonalities, the value of the "melting pot" tradition which will unite us and make us strong.

"Third (since reality, however utopian, is something from which people feel the need of taking pretty frequent holidays), a substitute for alcohol and the other narcotics, something at once less harmful and more pleasure-giving than gin or heroin."

California is considering making the production, use and sale of marijuana legal. Surely a good first step to a "less harmful and more pleasure giving" drug Mr. Huxley might agree. And WE might all agree that a marijuana sedated citizen is rarely a troublesome one...unlikely to question what his own family might be up to, much less his government!

" And fourth (but this would be a long-term project, which it would take generations of totalitarian control to bring to a successful conclusion) a foolproof system of eugenics, designed to standardize the human product and so to facilitate the task of the managers."

Ah, eugenics...that micro-management dream without a heart or soul...culling the dead wood of humanity and preventing the presentation into life of that dead wood in the first place...

The tree logo of the 1921 International Eugenics Conference is a very telling symbol of what the earliest documented organizers of the eugenics movement believed should be incorporated judging the ideal worthy to be born, or judged worthy to walk this earth after born. The temptation to be God is strong in the Godless. The Godless relegate the miracle of life to a simple function of cells and electricity thus finding the courage to decide who lives or dies...for the greater good of course!

One of the strongest tap roots on the Eugenics tree of life is labeled STATISTICS, with smaller roots leading down labeled POLITICS and ECONOMICS. Exhibit A: Obama's state run health care plan.

I rest my case.

Finally for the purposes of this blog argument against the totalitarian state, Huxley (remember, he wrote these thoughts in 1931) warned:

"Technically and ideologically we are still a long way from bottled babies and Bokanovsky groups of semi-morons*. But by A. F. 600*, who knows what may not be happening? Meanwhile the other characteristic features of that happier and more stable world--the equivalents of soma and hypnopaedia* and the scientific caste system--are probably not more than three or four generations away. Nor does the sexual promiscuity of Brave New World seem so very distant. There are already certain American cities in which the number of divorces is equal to the number of marriages. In a few years, no doubt, marriage licenses will be sold like dog licenses, good for a period of twelve months, with no law against changing dogs or keeping more than one animal at a time. As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty or conquered territories) will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope and movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate"

This observation is sadly all too real in our current society. Engage the senses and disengage critical thinking. A further observation should come as no surprise. Leftists and liberals FEEL first and think last...if at all.

Judgments made using purely emotion over intellect when dealing with our fellow humans is as great a crime as judgment using intellect alone! Much worse perhaps, as emotion is frequently based on prejudicial biases, relegating facts to the dim background.
Most appalling, the current degraded moral compass is formed and galvanized by the muck producing state media. Knowingly or unknowingly, today's parents are allowing the state to take control of their children's minds...and allowing their rapid descent into state managed serfdom!

From these state media outlets they are fed conflicting emotional signals. Remember, the state schools have killed critical thinking, replacing it with propaganda. Mixed signals bombard our society...Abort the human child, but save the dolphins! Preserve the life of the murderer on death row, but murder grandmother by withholding medical care when she reaches an arbitrarily state mandated age!

In short order, my comrades, we shall be begging the state for our ration of "soma"!

*Bokanovsky groups of semi morons: manufactured humans created in Huxley's Brave New World-see:
*A.F. 600: "After Ford"-the auto maker himself
*hypnopaedia: sleep learning-technique incorporated in the Brave New World

Thursday, July 23, 2009

If it quacks like a Marxist...

Marx on establishing absolute authority in the name of the working class:

"The first step on the path to the workers' revolution is the elevation of the proletariat to the position of ruling class. The proletariat will gain from its political domination by gradually tearing away from the bourgeoisie all capital, by centralizing all means of production in the hands of the State, that is to say in the hands of the proletariat itself organized as the ruling class." -The Communist Manifesto (1848)

But as Orwell warned in Animal Farm:


Human nature loves a leader. Only in free world communes and cooperatives wherein people freely join with others to labor and divide fruits of that labor, does communism ever find success. In actual fact, "forced" communism and it's cousin socialism is a death sentence, the end to a free society.

We, the middle class, are the bourgeoisie Marx spoke of. We're the ones Obama seeks to make into the proletariat. Just one problem, communism never works when forced on society and "forcing" is the only way to enforce communism! That means a central state government, supposedly ruled by the proletariat according to Marx...but ask any of the former Soviet Union citizens how they as proletariat "ruled" their country. The iron hand of dictatorships, terror by secret police, genocide and puppet elections were the reward through their dark age of Soviet communism.

It appears Obama may visualize himself a dictator over the coming proletariat class he and his mentors and henchmen hope to convert by force in this country. But only if we allow it.

Rather let's defend against Obama's rush to Marxism and the destruction of the middle class. Let's halt his attempt to create a sad and demoralized proletariat. We should all swear John Galt's motto:

"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." - John Galt, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Meaning we preserve capitalism, the driving desire to strive for excellence for ourselves in a free society. We preserve the wealth accruing to those who will work to earn it and allow the kindness of human nature to provide charity to those who can not earn it.

We will refuse to countenance a government which will steal from one to provide for another. We will refuse to allow such a government to make us all little more than slaves.

And we must refuse a government determined to murder human spirit by declaring human accomplishment along with the natural pride in earning a fair reward for such accomplishment as wrong.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Obamanation Health Care

How to compete with government entitlement programs which need never show a profit? Private business can't...and that's the whole idea!

It's nothing new to say we have an uneducated population of superficial thinkers who've never been taught to scratch beneath the surface of a glittery facade or discern what is true and what is just too good to be true. It's no surprise then that these superficial thinkers see nothing wrong in our government suggesting private medical insurance companies should compete with a government run national insurance plan. Of course the Marxist/Fascist view would be to ruin the private sector medical insurance companies thereby making government controlled health care the only choice. While our superficial thinkers don't recognize this end game, there are others among our population who do and rejoice in anticipation of a utopia of government medicine.

It all sounds reasonable to our woefully uneducated 20 to 40 year olds. The bad old insurance companies need to be straightened out! They charge too much and the average little guy can't afford it!

Superficial thinkers think superficially, of course. They have no idea that insurance premium rates have gone out of control due in part to the demands of union bargainers who force companies to provide coverage for all manner of simple and even low cost procedures or care. These include coverage for everything from a quick exam for a sore throat to marriage counseling! When a policy must cover more, the premium necessarily must go up.

Rest assured, this cost adjustment would be true if we receive government insurance coverage as well. Our increasing taxes will pay the premiums and will rise with each new need for coverage. No matter if you don't believe in artificial insemination of gay men who've received transplanted wombs (which you'd also pay for) your tax premiums would rise. Think this is science fiction and a frivolous argument? Think again:

"He (Prof. Brannstrom) says that it may even be technically possible one day to transplant a womb into a man, and use hormone injections to allow a pregnancy to succeed."-Professor Mats Brannstrom, presenting his work at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology annual meeting in Madrid in 2003

Too bad if you are morally against such procedures. You'll pay your taxes to cover it or face fines and/or imprisonment!

Then there's the illegal alien factor. Insurance costs for the average LEGAL citizen, covered by a company policy or who buys his or her own coverage, have gone up exponentially to offset the cost of every illegal alien who uses Medicaid in our hospitals for general practice and emergency care gratis...over and over again.

It is estimated that Medicaid costs to our taxpayers for illegal aliens is over 2.5 billion a year...and rising. That's your taxpayer dollars at work...just not at work for you, the LEGAL citizens footing the bill!

In an ever accelerating race toward fascism, Obama and his handlers, abetted by a House and Senate spinning out of control, use whatever horror stories they can invent to manipulate our woefully ignorant population of superficial thinkers. What they won't share is that illegal aliens (or their sanitized term, undocumented immigrants ) are driving up the count of people they number without health insurance. This provides the administration with false evidence of need to bolster their argument.

Since 2008 it's estimated that 59% of the nation's illegal aliens are uninsured, compared with 25% of legal immigrants and 14% of U.S. citizens. This information was researched by the Pew Hispanic Center ( Illegal aliens represent approximately 15% of the nation's 47 million uninsured people, accounting for about 30% of the increase in uninsured since 1980.

While many might find the idea that illegal aliens will eventually be provided US government national insurance paid for by LEGAL citizen taxpayers unbelievable, it's on the fast track in the current government health care bill headed toward our Senate. But many certainly believed the stimulus package would jump start the economy too. Just like the stimulus scam, the national insurance program being pushed by our budding fascist regime is just another way to rob US citizens of freedom, employment and honestly earned monetary gains.

And while Obama's administration plans the destruction of private sector health insurers, those very insurers, along with those employed by them will be expected to pay THEIR taxes to the entity which seeks to destroy them!

Since when has even our most fiscally responsible administrations ever been concerned with taxpayer funded programs showing a profit? With few exceptions our government has run every program under their governance into deficit territory, including Medicaid. They will do exactly the same thing with national health care should it be adopted...after they've destroyed the private sector insurance companies, of course.

Soon my comrades, we citizens shall live the Marxist/Socialist dream...Mediocre health care for everyone!

Oh, except for our glorious, I mean President...and the Senate and House along with all the other fawning politicos kissing the hem of the anointed one. THEIR health care will continue to be premium quality on demand.

WE the taxpayers will pay for it!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wake The Giant

Ripples build into irresistible waves when the tide finally comes in...

It's past time the hard working, law abiding people who are the backbone of the United States wake up to rid ourselves of the ineptitude and just plain evil greed for power and wealth our employees in the local, state and federal government have enjoyed for way too long.

It's been said the best way to kill a snake is to cut off it's head. Although for many years we've labored under the obviously mistaken belief that change in government is effected beginning at the local level, we must wake up to the fact that our system of government is now upside down.

This snake needs killing.

It needs killing before it devours everything our forefathers toiled for, shed blood for and put their trust in "we, the people" to preserve!

There was good reason (better than we may have realized in retrospect) many of our founding fathers did NOT wish to form a union overseen by a central government. They foresaw the possibility that their states, heretofore autonomous, accounting to their hardworking citizens only, would be swallowed by an overbearing oligarchy. That's the many ruled by the few, folks. Look familiar?

Below is a link to a petition that every law-abiding, red blooded American should read and sign. It's a letter received by Glen Beck (the story link is on the page) from a woman who put it all on the line. Let her speak for all of us!

Sign the petition and pass the link on to everyone you know who wants to restore constitutional law and liberty to this country!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Truth Of The Moment

...but not a moment of truth!

Ah, the ever changing truth in politics, open ended and impossible to successfully nail down. At least that’s the case in narcissistic lefty land. Really, you must understand it all depends upon the day, the hour or the minute as to what the truth is in their warped realm. What is true now may not be true tomorrow and of course, it all depends upon what the definition of “is, is.”

Welcome to the age of no accountability. Without a moral compass, truth is just a word. It certainly isn’t a philosophy, condition or indisputable state of being we can all relate to anymore. When it comes to politics especially, you can't count on the truth being, well…the truth.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as:
“A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy.[jma: NPD first appeared in DSM-III in 1980”

The NPD person will do anything to acquire what is called “narcissistic supply”, defined as anything perceived as useful to the NPD's insatiable neediness. This includes adoration and esteem from their victims, money or other valuable stock or trade, physical and/or mental support. Should the victims of the NPD person be depleted of this “supply” those victims find themselves objects of scorn to the NPD person and tossed aside like an empty bag. But, most alarming, should the NPD person discover in future that the victims are again capable of being a potential supply source, he or she (the vast majority of NPDs are male) will not hesitate to return in order to exploit those victims again.

But back to the “truth of the moment” and how the Narcissistic Personality Disorder monster may use considerable charm and ruthless drive to acquire at any cost the power he so desperately craves and is bound to pursue.

Dr. Luther Hofmann-Engl has a very informative collection of information on NPD and the game of lying NPD personality types enjoy at:

Dr. Hofmann-Engl writes:

“The attitude of the narcissist towards lying is very childish and simple: If the narcissist lies and gets away with it, (s)he interprets this as being clever and superior to others. In this sense, while common sense clearly sees lying as a social ill, the narcissist views lying as an excellent tool to obtain what (s)he wants and as a means to demonstrate how stupid others are.

A person now, who wishes to engage in real communication and shows openness, will be viewed by the narcissist as an utter fool who deserves to be exploited. Willingness to communicate and to show openness will be seen be the narcissist as weakness and stupidity. –Dr. Ludger Hofmann-Engl (”

I define “truth of the moment” to be whatever one wishes it to be at any given moment. Whatever needs to be said to get a victim…or in the case of the citizens of the United States, victims…to believe what is normally perceived as a solid state of being or natural condition, universally understood or historically known as “truth”. By communicating this truth of the moment, victims are made to feel relief, comfort, happiness or contentment. In the case of the people of the United States, this “truth” is meant to fool us into believing the best interests of the country are being served. No matter that tomorrow, next week, next month or next year that “truth” will be a lie. It served the purpose for the “moment” and another lie can be made into a “truth” for the next “moment”! Using Dr. Hofmann-Engl’s observation above, the “utter fools” of our country who deserve to be exploited will be charmed again and again into believing more lies parading as truth. Or would that be truths parading as lies. Hey, it’s the truth of the moment! The author of that “truth” gets to pick!

We might surmise then that a leader of a nation of “utter fools” is finding it easy to use the truth of the moment to push through an agenda which may be harmful, if not completely lethal, to the freedom and prosperity of the citizens of the greatest nation the world has ever seen, the United States of America.

We would be correct.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder types can rarely be rehabilitated, and ONLY if they wish to effect that rehabilitation themselves. Few even recognize they are the self-serving vampires they are. Since they are without normal empathy for their fellow man, believe themselves to the smartest people in their spheres of experience and are arrogantly disdainful of those they see as inferior (everyone who isn’t them) the only way to deal with them is to protect yourself from them.

When our leaders tell us lies wrapped up as truth as an expediency to steal our freedom and prosperity, the time has come to rise up and clean house!

But Can He Moonwalk?

Since Obama loves the TV camera so much, couldn't he at least dance?

The abrupt death of Michael Jackson and the predictable wave of worshipful mourners shown swarming the streets on every TV station got me thinking about parallels. The moony-eyed worship of movie stars and musicians used to be confined to the US teenager who eventually outgrew the immature behavior. Today cult personality worship pervades a disturbing percentage of our population. The influence of worshipping cult personalities, many with questionable moral and ethical character, affects the manner in which many of our young men and women conduct their lives long after it should, including how they determine who to vote for as president.

Talk about a case of mass arrested development!

It's an appalling realization that a huge chunk of our electorate vote for their politicians based on the same criteria and with the same immature vision one expects to find in a teenie-bopper! Does my idol look good, dress sharp, appear sincere? Yes! Oh, my idol cares about me! He looks through that TV screen and I know he sees the real me! Understands me! He is soooo "cool", letting the media "catch" him bare chested for a bit of cheesecake...and oh yeah, he plays with his dog! Isn't that precious? All right, so he promised to get a rescue dog, but that was just a tiny lie. He can promise me anything with sparkling eyes and a smile. And if he smilingly reneges, I'll forgive him! He's so cute! He's a STAR! Who cares what he actually's what he SAYS he'll do! That's what really matters. He tries, but those mean old Republicans stop him. But really...0he's so wonderful! He's my HERO!

Having been born in the nifty fifties, I gratefully appreciate the fact that my elders and educators provided me with REAL heroes and role models to admire. My teachers taught history and current events making certain to laud the accomplishments of men and women who actually deserved our respect. But at the same time we were taught to maintain a level perspective realizing that these great men and women along with their deeds and accomplishments, while worthy of our deepest respect and even reverence in some cases, did NOT deserve to be worshipped as demigods.

We find ourselves today in a country staggering under a horrible infection of full blown personality worship. In most cases, men and women who are the recipients of this worship don't even deserve more than a modicum of respect, much less reverence. While in the past we could count many authentic heroes among our popular entertainment and sports figures, we sadly find few worthy recipients of such praise today. I'm talking about the current crop of popular yet shallow icons we observe in movie, television, music and sports entertainment...and sadly, as it turns out, in our political arena.

Obviously, pointing out that we should've seen this coming serves no other purpose than to attempt to pinpoint the beginning of this "cult of personality" worship.

I recall visiting a friend many years back who emigrated to the US from England and noticed a rather extensive collection of royal family collectibles in her home. The collection seemed to begin with the crowning of the current Queen Elizabeth, progressing through Princess Diana, then the young princes and all sorts of memorials in between. I learned that the English people were pretty keen on their "royals" and attended in droves every sort of special royal occasion, much like their ancestors did when they were REQUIRED to offer their worship centuries ago. While today we might say that the royals "ain't what they used to be" still there is that definite star quality that continues to attract and dazzle the faithful masses.

Poor US of A. We really haven't been able to truly enjoy having a royal family to worship, have we? Oh yes, we had JFK and "Camelot" and perhaps this was the beginning of our modern longing for royalty to worship. But going back earlier in our history we can find many exemplary (and some not so exemplary) figures who did or could've lassoed in a crowd of personality worshippers with their charisma. After all, our founding fathers wanted to make George Washington king and it was our great fortune that he and wiser men prevailed. It just might be that a certain lust to hero worship is in our DNA, certainly as idealistic youth. But maturity used to bring wisdom and while we've always enjoyed and even admired the talents of our movie stars, musicians and athletes, all of us grew up understanding that real heroes actually accomplished real and meaningful things.

We still have heroes worth our respect in this country. Sadly, our children have been indoctrinated into a liberal agenda in our public classrooms then allowed to marinate in a deteriorating and warped popular culture outside those classrooms. Parents, either by benign neglect or fear they will alienate and thereby lose their children's love, have abdicated their roles as moral and educational authority.

Dear reader, I've no idea when your preteen through college formative years occurred, but if you're reading this I'm pretty sure they didn't include the upside down morality exalted by the popular culture today.

Our schools and now our government have hijacked moral authority, rightfully the province of the family and more elementally, the individual. Worse, these schools no longer provide their most important service, teaching the foundations whereby critical thinking evolves, the very critical thinking which should enable our youth to do more than rely on sound bites to effectively arrive at logical judgments. This includes the critical thinking our young people need in order to make one of the most profound judgments they will face, the choosing of our country's leader.

Our old and proper heroes have been well and truly the dark stacks of some antiquarian book store, and the memories of we who read them. They're entombed in history books our children will likely never see. And our genuine heroes of today labor in anonymity, ignored by a sycophantic mainstream media bent on propping up false idols.

No wonder our young people wail and shriek over the death of a music icon. They also faint and moan over a slick-packaged empty suit, propped up by a mysterious cast of directors and money pushers and takers.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One must believe the evidence of one's own senses!

Welcome to George Orwell Jones' Blog!

Wherein I point out the emperor has not clothes, that all the honest politicians in the world will fit on the head of a pin, the educational system of the United States has succeeded in dumbing down it's electorate, and the coming administration must depend on setting up a schizophrenic system of thought in order to succeed.


"Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth. The friends of totalitarianism in this country usually tend to argue that since absolute truth is not attainable, a big lie is no worse than a little lie ... It is pointed out that all historical records are biased and inaccurate, or on the other hand, that modern physics has proven that what seems to us the real world is an illusion, so that to believe in the evidence of one's senses is simply vulgar philistinism. A totalitarian society which succeeded in perpetuating itself would probably set up a schizophrenic system of thought, in which the laws of common sense held good in everyday life and in certain exact sciences, but could be disregarded by the politician, the historian, and the sociologist ." - George Orwell

In the current hearings for appointments to the upcoming Obama administration one might certainly keep in mind the above quote. Along with the President elect, we are being asked to accept appointees who have skipped along the fringes of breaking the law as well as those who actually did. The proposed appointee for Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner being just the most recent tarnished character.

Mr Geithner breaking the law is being labeled an "honest mistake". Even allowing the extremely thin possibility that he did NOT know he was breaking the law, since when has ignorance of the law become an excuse? Try that out on the patrolman who stops you for speeding on an unfamiliar highway sometime. I'm sure the fact you weren't aware of the speed will result in getting an "honest mistake" pass.

We are being maneuvered into classic "doublethink". From Wikipedia:

"Doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting as correct two mutually contradictory beliefs."

Case in point: We are taught that breaking the law is wrong and punishable. Then we are expected to accept that a person who breaks the law is qualified to be our Secretary of the Treasury simply because Barack Obama wishes it so.

We are sleepwalking to a dystopian society ruled by a cult personality.


Are you rousing from the "hope and change" trance a bit? Then consider this...

A Personality cult arises when a country's leader or candidate for leadership uses mass media to create, from what seems thin air, a heroic public image. It is done through unquestioning flattery and praise along with the complete suppression of any unflattering facts. Personality cult figures include dictators. And dictators rule dystopias.

In a dystopia, the emphasis is on pressuring it's citizens to conform in terms of the requirement to NOT excel. The government or "state" may force it's society to become ruthlessly egalitarian. Ability and accomplishment is suppressed or stigmatized as forms of inequality. Personal competence in the form of providing for oneself the benefits of everyday, shelter, health care and even social suppressed by the state. Why should one citizen (or should that be comrade?) excel while his brother does not? Dystopia represses the honest intellectual with particular force, because the pseudo-intellectual as well as the non-educated is willing to accept it, while the honest intellectual is punished by presenting the whole truth, not just that which flatters.

Left to the devices of the radical left, the green pseudo-scientists and the self-flagellating guilt ridden recipients of capitalistic gain (as if that's a bad thing) we will soon find ourselves in a world that spurns innovation and excellence. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged should be required reading for every high school senior, yet in the current political climate what teacher would dare? This formidable book very succinctly exposes the mantra's of "equality of opportunity" and "public good" as justifications for opposing free market capitalism and competition.