"The first step on the path to the workers' revolution is the elevation of the proletariat to the position of ruling class. The proletariat will gain from its political domination by gradually tearing away from the bourgeoisie all capital, by centralizing all means of production in the hands of the State, that is to say in the hands of the proletariat itself organized as the ruling class." -The Communist Manifesto (1848)
But as Orwell warned in Animal Farm:
Human nature loves a leader. Only in free world communes and cooperatives wherein people freely join with others to labor and divide fruits of that labor, does communism ever find success. In actual fact, "forced" communism and it's cousin socialism is a death sentence, the end to a free society.
We, the middle class, are the bourgeoisie Marx spoke of. We're the ones Obama seeks to make into the proletariat. Just one problem, communism never works when forced on society and "forcing" is the only way to enforce communism! That means a central state government, supposedly ruled by the proletariat according to Marx...but ask any of the former Soviet Union citizens how they as proletariat "ruled" their country. The iron hand of dictatorships, terror by secret police, genocide and puppet elections were the reward through their dark age of Soviet communism.
It appears Obama may visualize himself a dictator over the coming proletariat class he and his mentors and henchmen hope to convert by force in this country. But only if we allow it.
Rather let's defend against Obama's rush to Marxism and the destruction of the middle class. Let's halt his attempt to create a sad and demoralized proletariat. We should all swear John Galt's motto:
"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." - John Galt, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Meaning we preserve capitalism, the driving desire to strive for excellence for ourselves in a free society. We preserve the wealth accruing to those who will work to earn it and allow the kindness of human nature to provide charity to those who can not earn it.
We will refuse to countenance a government which will steal from one to provide for another. We will refuse to allow such a government to make us all little more than slaves.
And we must refuse a government determined to murder human spirit by declaring human accomplishment along with the natural pride in earning a fair reward for such accomplishment as wrong.