Thursday, July 2, 2009

Obamanation Health Care

How to compete with government entitlement programs which need never show a profit? Private business can't...and that's the whole idea!

It's nothing new to say we have an uneducated population of superficial thinkers who've never been taught to scratch beneath the surface of a glittery facade or discern what is true and what is just too good to be true. It's no surprise then that these superficial thinkers see nothing wrong in our government suggesting private medical insurance companies should compete with a government run national insurance plan. Of course the Marxist/Fascist view would be to ruin the private sector medical insurance companies thereby making government controlled health care the only choice. While our superficial thinkers don't recognize this end game, there are others among our population who do and rejoice in anticipation of a utopia of government medicine.

It all sounds reasonable to our woefully uneducated 20 to 40 year olds. The bad old insurance companies need to be straightened out! They charge too much and the average little guy can't afford it!

Superficial thinkers think superficially, of course. They have no idea that insurance premium rates have gone out of control due in part to the demands of union bargainers who force companies to provide coverage for all manner of simple and even low cost procedures or care. These include coverage for everything from a quick exam for a sore throat to marriage counseling! When a policy must cover more, the premium necessarily must go up.

Rest assured, this cost adjustment would be true if we receive government insurance coverage as well. Our increasing taxes will pay the premiums and will rise with each new need for coverage. No matter if you don't believe in artificial insemination of gay men who've received transplanted wombs (which you'd also pay for) your tax premiums would rise. Think this is science fiction and a frivolous argument? Think again:

"He (Prof. Brannstrom) says that it may even be technically possible one day to transplant a womb into a man, and use hormone injections to allow a pregnancy to succeed."-Professor Mats Brannstrom, presenting his work at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology annual meeting in Madrid in 2003

Too bad if you are morally against such procedures. You'll pay your taxes to cover it or face fines and/or imprisonment!

Then there's the illegal alien factor. Insurance costs for the average LEGAL citizen, covered by a company policy or who buys his or her own coverage, have gone up exponentially to offset the cost of every illegal alien who uses Medicaid in our hospitals for general practice and emergency care gratis...over and over again.

It is estimated that Medicaid costs to our taxpayers for illegal aliens is over 2.5 billion a year...and rising. That's your taxpayer dollars at work...just not at work for you, the LEGAL citizens footing the bill!

In an ever accelerating race toward fascism, Obama and his handlers, abetted by a House and Senate spinning out of control, use whatever horror stories they can invent to manipulate our woefully ignorant population of superficial thinkers. What they won't share is that illegal aliens (or their sanitized term, undocumented immigrants ) are driving up the count of people they number without health insurance. This provides the administration with false evidence of need to bolster their argument.

Since 2008 it's estimated that 59% of the nation's illegal aliens are uninsured, compared with 25% of legal immigrants and 14% of U.S. citizens. This information was researched by the Pew Hispanic Center ( Illegal aliens represent approximately 15% of the nation's 47 million uninsured people, accounting for about 30% of the increase in uninsured since 1980.

While many might find the idea that illegal aliens will eventually be provided US government national insurance paid for by LEGAL citizen taxpayers unbelievable, it's on the fast track in the current government health care bill headed toward our Senate. But many certainly believed the stimulus package would jump start the economy too. Just like the stimulus scam, the national insurance program being pushed by our budding fascist regime is just another way to rob US citizens of freedom, employment and honestly earned monetary gains.

And while Obama's administration plans the destruction of private sector health insurers, those very insurers, along with those employed by them will be expected to pay THEIR taxes to the entity which seeks to destroy them!

Since when has even our most fiscally responsible administrations ever been concerned with taxpayer funded programs showing a profit? With few exceptions our government has run every program under their governance into deficit territory, including Medicaid. They will do exactly the same thing with national health care should it be adopted...after they've destroyed the private sector insurance companies, of course.

Soon my comrades, we citizens shall live the Marxist/Socialist dream...Mediocre health care for everyone!

Oh, except for our glorious, I mean President...and the Senate and House along with all the other fawning politicos kissing the hem of the anointed one. THEIR health care will continue to be premium quality on demand.

WE the taxpayers will pay for it!

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