…and our nation's collective soul will rise to a higher standard
Let us establish a premise. The citizens of these United States are unlike any other people in the world in their patriotism. While this statement may seem arrogant to those all too ready to fault this great nation and its people, it is nevertheless, true.
As a nation established and melded into a great and beautiful country from many blending as one, we are strong in our collective histories. I’m not referring to destructive “ethnic diversity”, promoted by those who would see our great nation divided into little pocket countries. Rather, I cherish the contributions to the whole created by our many and varied ethnicities and archetypes. Our nation in union will always be, as our forefathers rightly knew, stronger than its individual parts.
From the earliest days our military, from farmer soldier to professional warrior, has enjoyed the staunch support and undying gratitude from its countrymen. It is only in the past 50 years that a malignancy has been found growing in this otherwise enduring support and gratitude. It resembles a cancer, fed by those who would welcome the destruction of all we've cherished since the birth of this nation. It is all too evident that this cancer is spreading through many organs of our nation’s body, but one of the most pernicious assaults is being fought in a most critical organ, our military.
We might point to the Vietnam war era as the origin of blatant condemnation of our modern US military, although some might argue it began in the Korean War era. We accept the fact that through the ages militaries, regardless of country, have met with unpopularity depending on the cause or campaign. For instance, I’m pretty certain my North Carolina ancestors had very little nice to say about the Union Army! But excluding that anomaly in our history, it’s probably safe to say that for our current generations, the war in Vietnam is seen as the action most associated with war protesters and their hateful rhetoric. While most hoped the shameful and dishonorable treatment of our fighting forces ended with that sad era, it appears that hope was in vain. Therefore it is of paramount importance that our patriotic voices come to the fore, now more than ever.
While our warfare has evolved...technologies perhaps more than strategies...our soldiers are pretty much the same tough minded, brave individuals they were in colonial days. Let’s face it, as a country we are very young, but as a people we have centuries of elite warriors from many countries as our heritage!
This heritage is a blessing of the finest kind. Because of it we have the greatest warriors in the world, well trained, disciplined and fair. While every force has its wash-outs, its square pegs or outright bad actors, the vast body of our military is beyond reproach. As a nation we ask them to perform an extremely difficult balancing act, performing their duties as soldiers, while maintaining their humanity.
Beyond the average in our armed forces we find the elite, our Special Forces. These warriors are considered elite because they have been found to be exemplary in every respect as human beings. They are courageous for us when we cannot be and they are efficient beyond our abilities. They are asked to do the impossible and to do it without fanfare or expectation of public recognition. They go to dangerous places, fight men and forces evil beyond our comprehension in order that we may never be required to meet that evil.
These elite warriors are brutally good, faithful in their training and maintaining to remain so. They are ready to go "wheels up" when called upon day or night, fair weather or foul, bound to meet their duty wherever they are called. Super human is a goal they strive for, superb human is the goal they meet everyday.
When considering the debt of gratitude owed to our elite Special Forces, it is all the more difficult for me to understand how our military executive and federal government can make the profound mistake in believing lies from enemies over the word of our special forces warriors.
The current case of three Navy Seals is an excellent example of the upside down logic we're expected to embrace.
Special Warfare Operators, Petty Officers 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe and SO1 Petty Officer Julio Huertas captured Ahmed Hashim Abed, a known terrorist and suspected mastermind behind the brutal murder and desecration of the bodies of four Blackwater contractors for our US military in Iraq. These honorable Navy Seals chose to face court martial rather than allow the Seal brotherhood and their own reputations be sullied. In some misguided attempt to appease a hateful enemy our good soldiers were asked to accept a lesser reprimand by admitting guilt for actions they claim they did not commit. Perhaps lesser men would shrug it off, appease their superiors and "play the game", accepting the lesser reprimand. But elite warriors don't "play games".
The Navy Seal creed demands a finer brand of integrity than the average person might understand. As the excerpt from that creed above states, "My word is my bond." Now, I'm just one of those average people, but that promise is good enough for me.
The cancer I spoke of earlier seems to be developing into a particularly virulent form in our military these days. That form being a ridiculous desire to avoid offending a murderous enemy...politically correct disease in lethal doses. If implementation of protocol based on political correctness does not immediately cease, our military will crumble and our nation will not survive.
While there’s no mistaking the stench of political correctness wafting from our federal executive power down to the upper echelons of the military, those of us who cherish our military men and women in the field simply must continue making our support known. To this end, PLEASE visit and join the following Facebook support group, Support the Navy Seals Who Captured Ahmed Hashim Abed:
And when you’ve joined, invite all your friends and associates to do the same!
AWESOME JOB George... job Well done!
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