...but not a moment of truth!
Ah, the ever changing truth in politics, open ended and impossible to successfully nail down. At least that’s the case in narcissistic lefty land. Really, you must understand it all depends upon the day, the hour or the minute as to what the truth is in their warped realm. What is true now may not be true tomorrow and of course, it all depends upon what the definition of “is, is.”
Welcome to the age of no accountability. Without a moral compass, truth is just a word. It certainly isn’t a philosophy, condition or indisputable state of being we can all relate to anymore. When it comes to politics especially, you can't count on the truth being, well…the truth.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as:
“A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy.[jma: NPD first appeared in DSM-III in 1980”
The NPD person will do anything to acquire what is called “narcissistic supply”, defined as anything perceived as useful to the NPD's insatiable neediness. This includes adoration and esteem from their victims, money or other valuable stock or trade, physical and/or mental support. Should the victims of the NPD person be depleted of this “supply” those victims find themselves objects of scorn to the NPD person and tossed aside like an empty bag. But, most alarming, should the NPD person discover in future that the victims are again capable of being a potential supply source, he or she (the vast majority of NPDs are male) will not hesitate to return in order to exploit those victims again.
But back to the “truth of the moment” and how the Narcissistic Personality Disorder monster may use considerable charm and ruthless drive to acquire at any cost the power he so desperately craves and is bound to pursue.
Dr. Luther Hofmann-Engl has a very informative collection of information on NPD and the game of lying NPD personality types enjoy at: www.chameleongroup.org.uk/npd/lies.html
Dr. Hofmann-Engl writes:
“The attitude of the narcissist towards lying is very childish and simple: If the narcissist lies and gets away with it, (s)he interprets this as being clever and superior to others. In this sense, while common sense clearly sees lying as a social ill, the narcissist views lying as an excellent tool to obtain what (s)he wants and as a means to demonstrate how stupid others are.
A person now, who wishes to engage in real communication and shows openness, will be viewed by the narcissist as an utter fool who deserves to be exploited. Willingness to communicate and to show openness will be seen be the narcissist as weakness and stupidity. –Dr. Ludger Hofmann-Engl (www.chameleongroup.org.uk/npd/lies.html)”
I define “truth of the moment” to be whatever one wishes it to be at any given moment. Whatever needs to be said to get a victim…or in the case of the citizens of the United States, victims…to believe what is normally perceived as a solid state of being or natural condition, universally understood or historically known as “truth”. By communicating this truth of the moment, victims are made to feel relief, comfort, happiness or contentment. In the case of the people of the United States, this “truth” is meant to fool us into believing the best interests of the country are being served. No matter that tomorrow, next week, next month or next year that “truth” will be a lie. It served the purpose for the “moment” and another lie can be made into a “truth” for the next “moment”! Using Dr. Hofmann-Engl’s observation above, the “utter fools” of our country who deserve to be exploited will be charmed again and again into believing more lies parading as truth. Or would that be truths parading as lies. Hey, it’s the truth of the moment! The author of that “truth” gets to pick!
We might surmise then that a leader of a nation of “utter fools” is finding it easy to use the truth of the moment to push through an agenda which may be harmful, if not completely lethal, to the freedom and prosperity of the citizens of the greatest nation the world has ever seen, the United States of America.
We would be correct.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder types can rarely be rehabilitated, and ONLY if they wish to effect that rehabilitation themselves. Few even recognize they are the self-serving vampires they are. Since they are without normal empathy for their fellow man, believe themselves to the smartest people in their spheres of experience and are arrogantly disdainful of those they see as inferior (everyone who isn’t them) the only way to deal with them is to protect yourself from them.
When our leaders tell us lies wrapped up as truth as an expediency to steal our freedom and prosperity, the time has come to rise up and clean house!
Friday, June 26, 2009
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