Monday, June 29, 2009

Wake The Giant

Ripples build into irresistible waves when the tide finally comes in...

It's past time the hard working, law abiding people who are the backbone of the United States wake up to rid ourselves of the ineptitude and just plain evil greed for power and wealth our employees in the local, state and federal government have enjoyed for way too long.

It's been said the best way to kill a snake is to cut off it's head. Although for many years we've labored under the obviously mistaken belief that change in government is effected beginning at the local level, we must wake up to the fact that our system of government is now upside down.

This snake needs killing.

It needs killing before it devours everything our forefathers toiled for, shed blood for and put their trust in "we, the people" to preserve!

There was good reason (better than we may have realized in retrospect) many of our founding fathers did NOT wish to form a union overseen by a central government. They foresaw the possibility that their states, heretofore autonomous, accounting to their hardworking citizens only, would be swallowed by an overbearing oligarchy. That's the many ruled by the few, folks. Look familiar?

Below is a link to a petition that every law-abiding, red blooded American should read and sign. It's a letter received by Glen Beck (the story link is on the page) from a woman who put it all on the line. Let her speak for all of us!

Sign the petition and pass the link on to everyone you know who wants to restore constitutional law and liberty to this country!

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